- Paid Research Studies to Make Extra Money - Paid Research Studies to Make Extra Money
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Get Paid for Your Opinions!

Are you interested in making extra money by participating in paid research studies? If so, we are always looking for honest and enthusiastic participants from every walk of life — grocery shoppers, new moms, doctors, teens, seniors, students — fill in the blank with YOU! We conduct focus groups, product tests, taste tests, mock juries, online surveys, in-person interviews and more!  We even have our own facilities in Denver & partner facilities in most towns across the US. The best part is not only will we appreciate you and treat you with respect, but we compensate you for your time and participation.

Ummmm, No! But our studies are always interesting and you make extra money for your time, not rewards or points.  You’re not going to qualify for every focus group,  online survey, or taste test, so we pay you when you do.  We need the uniqueness that is you.  And some of our paid research studies provide fabulous free products to test. On behalf of our clients, we’ve given away products and services including iPads, window coverings, shoes, baby formula dispensers, money for grocery shopping, education courses, and even free parties in one’s home.

Sign Up and Start Participating!

Once you agree to be a research participant and have completed the registration process, we will send you survey invitations that seem to best match your profile via email or text.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook @PaidResearchStudies where we post research project notifications as well!

Step 1 of 15

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